Far Northern Regional Center FNRC:
FNRC will provide services and supports that allow persons with developmental disabilities to live productive lives as welcomed members of their community.


Rowell Family Empowerment:
Empowering people with diverse abilities, and their families, to successfully navigate the systems that serve them and to empower them to self-advocate, by providing support, information and training.


California Children’s Services:
is a statewide medical program which provides diagnostic and medical treatment services, medical case management, and physical and occupational therapy services to children under age 21 with certain chronic medical conditions and physical disabilities. Examples of CCS-eligible conditions include cystic fibrosis, hemophilia, cerebral palsy, heart disease, cancer, and traumatic injuries.

For more information on the CCS Program from the California Department of Health Services, Children's Medical Services Branch, follow the link below



Shasta County Office of Education, Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA).




Speech Therapy:
Small Talk Pediatric Services Inc. We are dedicated to treat each client and family with the most up-to-date research-based treatment available. Each therapist at Small Talk has a passion for speech therapy and understands the value of communication in each person’s life.




Early Start Denver Model:
ESDM intervention is provided in the home by trained therapists and parents during natural play within daily routines.  ESDM is a relationship-based intervention involving parents and families; An Early Start for your Child with Autism, is a parent's guide to using everyday activities to help kids connect, communicate, and learn. Each family participating in our program will receive a copy of this book as a guide and resource. The aim of ESDM is to increase the rates of the development in all domains as it simultaneously aims to decrease the symptoms of autism.

“In particular, this intervention focuses on boosting children’s social-emotional, cognitive, and language, as development in these domains is particularly affected by autism.  ESDM also uses a data-based approach and empirically supported teaching practices that have been found effective from research in applied behavior analysis. ESDM fuses behavioral, relationship-based, and a developmental, play-based approach into an integrated whole that is completely individualized to each child’s and family’s needs”.

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