It takes collaboration across a community to develop better skills for better lives.
— Jose Angel Gurria

To Increase positive outcomes, we regularly communicate and collaborate with the following professionals:

Medical Doctors/Diagnosing Physicians:



Communication with professionals who diagnose and/or recommend additional support for children and who are likely the parents first partner on their journey into services is an integral part of competent planning. Depending on the child’s needs, ABA Therapy may be recommended and can make up a significant part of the child’s support services. Ongoing communication is key to supporting the child’s successful outcomes.


Speech and Language Pathologists:

Small Talk Pediatric Services Inc. Offices in Redding and Fairfield, CA

Occupational Therapist:

Renae Fieck San Diego, CA

Given our Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) curriculum, we frequently work in partnership with Speech and Language Pathologists and Occupational Therapists. A child’s language, play, and social interaction goals are more effectively met when the professionals treating the child are on the same page. ABA therapy and the ESDM uses a different set of methods as teaching tools. However, we almost always work in a unified direction.


Child Psychologist:


Special Education Teachers:

Service Coordinators:

Far Northern Regional Center Redding, CA

Depending on the child’s setting, we can support children through direct one on one teaching, provide parent support and training, in addition to supporting other caregivers and providers. We collaborate with Special Education Teachers to apply classroom strategies in the child’s daily routine within the classroom and the home. We collaborate with Child Psychologists to best address the whole child. We can attend; Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) meetings as well as Individual Educational Plan (IEP) meetings. We are happy to discuss goals and the child’s progress as well as our plan for treatment in support of integration to the home, community and classroom that best fits the child’s individual needs.






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